Saturday, August 27, 2016

Top 10 Core Questions You MUST Ask In A Job Interview To Land Your Dream Job

The interview process especially the oral phase is usually dreaded by not just a few job seekers especially if you are a fist time job seeker who unknowingly has been making this Heinous Job Search Mistakes. The truth remains you are probably seeing the oral phase as a one-way street with the interviewer holding all the cards. Most times as an applicant, you are qualified for the position but the interviewer/recruiter upon meeting you is disillusioned due to his inability to match the person on paper with the person in front of him.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

272 Firms Shut Down In One Year – MAN

Manufacturers and other private sector operators on Tuesday painted a gloomy picture of how the foreign exchange restriction placed on 41 items by the Central Bank of Nigeria had affected operations in the business sector.

They said that since the restriction order was placed last year, about 272 firms had been forced out of business, 50 of which were manufacturing companies.

How To Get Your Dream Job In Nigeria: 10 Powerful Tips

I'm posting this again for the benefit of those who didn't see it the first time.

“There are no jobs out there! It’s as simple as that” Only Olodumare knows how many times I have heard people make that remark. As a matter of fact, it’s gradually becoming a normal opening remark for encouraging undergraduates to venture into other things rather than searching for a white collar job.

As much as I support the idea of being an entrepreneur, starting your own business and being your own boss, I see no reason why an individual would invest over a decade of his life in being educated and not get to use the certificate for some years before venturing into other things, if need be.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Vacancies @ The Federal Civil Service Commission Of Nigeria 2016

The Federal Civil Service Commission of Nigeria (FCSC) is an executive body in Nigeria that has the authority to make appointments and transfers, and to exercise disciplinary control over all Federal Civil Servants.No officer can be appointed into the Civil Service without authorization from the Federal Civil Service Commission if they have been convicted of a crime, or had previously been employed in the Government Service and had been dismissed or asked to resign or retire.